In 2009 Rade were asked to build a GIS mapping and content managed website to provide an interface to Heat Mapping data collected as part of the London Development Agency’s Energy Masterplan Programme.
The website provided gazetteering search and a location identity tool to display data about a selected site. Geo-spatial data was shown in a number of layers to allow the user to filter the display to quickly find areas of interest.
Alongside the mapping the website included a content management system to allow additional information to be shown and provide users with a downloadable version of the Energy Masterplan report. The system also included forms to allow for submission of location updates for major heat loads, supply plants and heat networks.
In mid-2016 the website was closed and the geo-spatial data was migrated to the Greater London Authority’s main GIS mapping application.
Technologies: ESRI ArcGIS Server,, C#, JavaScript, SQL Server