Linx Printing Technologies

linxLinx asked Rade to bring their website up-to-date in 2012.  Through and initial workshop, scoping, build and content population in 6 languages and with 2 regional variations, Rade delivered a quick, modern site.

The website uses Rade’s own Enterprise Site Manager CMS which is built on ASP.Net and SQL Server for speed and reliability.  The CMS includes a number of features geared towards multiple languages, including automatic inclusion of rel=”alternate” meta tags which point search engines to the language versions of each page.

Rade have continued to provide support, updates and hosting for the website, including creating a stand-alone Chinese version of the website which we helped to deploy to a server in China to provide the best experience for users in China.

Technologies: ASP.Net, C#, SQL Server, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3

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